Welcome to our online learning platform.
We have spent countless hours assessing what is the best way to support the young athletes who have big aspirations.
Since 2008 we have helped thousands of athletes learn valuable information to help them develop the mental and emotional skills to assist them on their journey.
Below is our greatest work to date. The courses below are filled with hours of development that will guide the participants to that which they desire.
Courses for athletes
Building Healthy Habits for Success
This course will help any athlete go through the valuable process of assessing their habits.
It is the habits that we have that will determine how we manage ourselves on a daily basis.
We help the athletes become aware of the helpful habits that will help them find the success they desire.
This is a two lesson course.
You can purchase the course and complete it on your own, or you can purchase the course and a coaching session with an IGM facilitator to help you develop a plan to build healthier habits.
Communication is Foundational
This is a five lesson course.
You can purchase the course and complete it on your own, or you can purchase the course and a coaching session with an IGM facilitator to help you develop exceptional communication skills.
Stress Creates Skill
Stress is good for us. Don’t believe us? This course will help you learn insights to stress most people never know.
This is a two lesson course.
You can purchase the course and complete it on your own, or you can purchase the course and a coaching session with an IGM facilitator to help you learn to use stress to become the athlete you want to be.
Confidence is King
In order to be able to push through the barriers that success puts in front of us, we must have personal confidence.
This is a three-lesson course.
You can purchase the course and complete it on your own, or you can purchase the course and a coaching session with an IGM facilitator to help you learn all valuable aspects of the course teachings.
The Power of Attitude
This is a two-lesson course.
You can purchase the course and complete it on your own, or you can purchase the course and a coaching session with an IGM facilitator to help you learn all valuable aspects of the course teachings.