The Power of Attitude

The Power of Attitude

About The Course

Attitude is everything in showing each other who we are. Our attitude is displayed every minute of every day to everyone we interact with. Often we can be aware that our attitude is helpful or hurtful, but we are unsure of what is causing the fluctuation. We look outwards, when what we really need to be focused on is inward.

Much of our emotional pain comes from something we did or didn’t get at a certain time. There are many experiences in our lives that can create unsettling feelings such as anger, frustration, sadness, and confusion. This lesson will help you understand how to heal and grow a strong mental attitude.







Learning Objective

To introduce what our attitudes consist of

To emphasize that attitude is a responsibility

To support the student in creating a more positive attitude

To help the student to understand how humans think and how it affects attitude and behavior

The Course Lecturers

This course was developed by Bob Wilkie and comes from his training of becoming a life coach. He delivered his first speech called “From the Penthouse to the Outhouse.”

As you go through the course think about your own journey. Reflect on the times you have felt at the top and how it felt to the bottom and how that felt. All of it was because of your attitude.

This is an important course in being able to enhance your awareness and your ability to manage your own thoughts.

Bob wilkie

Founder I Got Mind



Your attitude is always on display. We hear it referred to as body language which is the telltale sign of what you are thinking.

In this video you will hear Bob’s personal experiences of when his attitude was good and the positive results it produced, as well when it was bad and the negative results of that.

Every young athlete wants to be positive, they all know the importance of staying positive. However, there are few that truly understand how to do this. In this lesson you will learn how to maintain a positive mindset. You will learn why it can be so difficult, and how others can affect it.


Attitude is a mixture of powerful things that creates pleasure or pain. Most people know the word attitude but few know it is more than a word.

It is a lifestyle, a value system, a unique system that makes humans the top of the food chain.

In this lesson, you will learn about your attitude and the mixture that forms it. You will learn that what you see is not always what you get and most importantly, you will become aware of how humans think.

Make sure to have a pen and paper handy for this lesson. It will change your life.


The Power of Attitude Individual Course


This option is for the purchase of the course only. You will have access to the lessons, videos, assignment and quizzes in the course. You will receive online feedback from an IGM Facilitator with your assignment and quiz submissions. This is a powerful self-directed course that will help you in many ways. Most importantly, the ability to manage your attitude for better results in all areas you wish to improve.

The Power of Attitude Course with Coaching


This option includes access to the online course and a coaching session with an IGM facilitator. The coaching session is conducted after the student has completed the course to review how they will use the information to manage their attitude for improved results.