Have you ever witnessed someone go through an incredible transformation? You watch as they accomplish a goal or overcome all odds and you think to yourself… “how the heck did they do that?!?!”
Hi, my name is Benjamin Thomsen, a two-time Canadian winter Olympian aiming for my 3rd winter games this coming winter. As you are probably aware, becoming an Olympian multiple times doesn’t happen with luck. Correct, the odds are slim to none, but so are the odds of being born (about 1 in 400 trillion) and you have overcome those odds so what stops you from becoming your greatest? In my opinion, odds are just numbers and history shows humans overcome and beat the odds consistently. Yes, living in such a competitive environment these days it’s very hard not to get caught up in the numbers, but I am here to show you, we all have the tools and skills to beat the odds.
Competing on the world stage is a big challenge in itself, but last year seemed to be a lot more difficult than before. Returning home after such a difficult and unsuccessful season had me down. The world is so strange and constantly changing every day.
I have so many questions, I imagine so do a lot of you. The kicker is none of us have experienced something quite like this before. So how does one succeed?
Life right now can be so overwhelming, many of us are thinking about where to begin. These thoughts are followed by overwhelming stress and a craving for a much-needed break, but given the current global state, this isn’t always possible.
So what do I do!?!?
Last winter my competition season was very tough, to say the least. Alpine Canada dropped me from the team, forcing me to fully fund and organize my team independently. Covid-19 stripped away many training hours, days and funding. Not to mention the confusing and challenging travel restrictions. Finally, I wrapped up my competition season at the beginning of February by partially tearing both my left ACL and Patella tendon over 50%.
Sure, I could retire and make an income, I wouldn’t have to deal with the stress and complications that is competition. I’ve had a tremendous professional career over the last 10 years. I’ve competed at two Winter Olympic Games, achieved a World Cup podium in 2012 and have multiple national titles… But I have my drive, passion and love for my sport, body and life again. I’m very excited for what the future holds and continue practicing my newly acquired skills.
I’ve made my decision to continue my career and defined my role.
“Three-Time Olympian”
Join me alongside I Got Mind over the next 10 weeks as I complete the success strategies courses that have enabled me to be my best in all roles of life. Having completed the course in the fall of 2021, I am psyched to have this opportunity again to learn more and improve my skills while sharing them with you.
– Ben