Prepare to Adapt Business

Preparing to Adapt Course

All The Info You Need To Know About The Course

To eliminate and manage the chaos we can experience requires mental preparation and the proper mindset. In this course, we help you develop new skills to create confidence and enhance productivity.

This course was designed to eliminate contributors to self-doubt, stress, anxiety, isolation and poor performance.

What we have created will address the issue of chaos in our lives and supply each user with ideas of what they can do to improve through time management, mental preparation and having a proper mindset. A team requires each member to perform to the best of their abilities. This course will open discussion, provide ideas, and share strategies that will create confidence, motivation, and enhanced performance.







The Course Lecturers

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Bob wilkie

Founder I Got Mind
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Shawn O' Grady

Facilitator I Got Mind
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Introductory Video to the course

*Video works best in firefox, click here to download.



Chaos is something that occurs in daily life. Getting out the door to go to work can be chaotic. The recent pandemic has made it chaotic as the family is all at home during working hours. Dealing with customers and co-workers having a bad day can create chaos. Not seeing another’s perspective can create chaos. There are many things that can create chaos for you.

Some people thrive in chaos and create it everywhere they go, for others, it can be terrifying. We will discuss all of these issues and how to do some self-reflection so you can manage and even thrive in chaos.


Many of the issues we can struggle with as responsible adults begin with our mindsets. We have learned to be conditioned, in our routine, our work ethic, our values and beliefs. If we do not prepare properly, we can encounter more failure and frustration than we need to. How we manage our time is our responsibility, however, unless you were conditioned to know how to do this, it can be a huge problem.

An open mind is a growing mind. Seeing other’s perspectives is such a valuable skill. In this lesson, we review how to prepare mentally on a daily basis and how to identify which mindset you possess.


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Prepare to Adapt Online Course


In the workplace chaos can reign. We can struggle to feel on top of things. We can become mentally tired and thus close minded.

This course is all about understanding your relationship with chaos, what happens when you are in the middle of it. If we can identify where we struggle consistently, then we can change it. Chaos is good for growth as you will learn. We will also discuss the value of our time and how to mentally prepare for what the day may hold for us. Our brains crave structure and routine, we will help you understand this and give ideas of how to create the structure you need. Lastly, we discuss mindset and how it can be open, or closed. Each has distinct results. When you know why you close your mind, you can begin to see that you must open it up. It is your Mind and you are in control of it.

Tool and techniques throughout this course will help each participant prepare to adapt and improve confidence and productivity.


Join us as we take you on an educational experience that will shed light on issues, provide stories of struggles, and ideas of how to improve.

Prepare to Adapt

Has Assignment
Has Quiz