Workplace Power Differential

The Power Differential

All The Info You Need To Know About The Course

Every system requires a hierarchy. If we do not have this within a system, chaos ensues.

The Power Differential is a major contributor to workplace stress, anxiety and trauma. This course sheds light on the effects and how to create healthy power differentials.

This course was designed to address the major issues within the workplace. Bullying, harassment, toxic stress, and workplace anxiety dreams.

Our trauma specialist Shawn O’Grady and IGM President Bob Wilkie share their experience and insights in this powerful course.

At the completion of this course, your team will be able to set boundaries, understand the effects of unhealthy power differentials, and create accountability within the workplace.

Creating healthy power differentials requires a strong skillset of the leadership within the workplace. It is also imperative that each peer within the group understand that they too may be creating unhealthy power differentials and how they can begin to create a healthy power differential.







The Course Lecturers

Bob wilkie

Founder I Got Mind

Shawn O' Grady

Facilitator I Got Mind



This lesson will introduce what a power differential is and how it ruins relationships, erodes confidence and can destroy cultures and lives. It is a serious issue.

Any business that possesses individuals who are creating these unhealthy differentials will underperform. It will manifest more problems and has the ability to stifle growth and have long-lasting effects on the individuals who are afflicted.


Relationships are what we as humans crave. The workplace allows individuals to be a part of something. It teaches us how to work together, how the power of relationships can move mountains and create experiences that instill motivation, passion and success.

We spend our time in trade for money when we take a job. We hope that it provides much more than that. Power differentials are necessary for any cultural structure; if the workplace has healthy ones, everyone wins.


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Workplace Power Differential

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