Functioning in the Dysfunction

Functioning in the Dysfunction

All The Info You Need To Know About The Course

Every team has its challenges which can create levels of dysfunction. This course addresses workplace issues and provides ideas of how to address and overcome them.

Over the years we have worked with hundreds of organizations allowing us further insight into the common issues in the modern workplace. We use these insights combined with brain science to educate teams enabling them to improve upon their culture and performance.

Not all teams find their stride or achieve the success they hope for. This creates a dysfunctional culture. Turn over, HR issues and unmotivated team members are some of the negative outcomes.

This course identifies the 5 major dysfunctions and provides solutions of how to become a more effective team, develop a more rewarding culture, and create engaged and motivated team members.







The Course Lecturers

This course was one Bob thought was invaluable to add. After spending years playing on different teams as an athlete and in the business world, Bob identified the consistent issues that prohibited or catapulted a team’s performance.

He asked Dean and Tania to join him in presenting this course. The different perspectives will help all participants learn what they need to do individually and collectively to become a high performing team.

Bob wilkie

Founder I Got Mind

Tania O'Neill

Facilitator I Got Mind

Dean Sawatzky

Facilitator I Got Mind

Introductory Video to the course

*Video works best in firefox, click here to download.



In this lesson we begin the discussion of what causes a team to struggle. We begin with the topics of trust and conflict.

IGM President and Facilitator Bob Wilkie along with Facilitators Dean Sawatzky and Tania O’Neill, begin the lesson by addressing the cause and affects of these two foundational pieces that determine a culture of function, or dysfunction.


We continue the discussion of the dysfunctions leading to the final stages where chaos is defeated and strong, healthy cultures are defined.

The course wrap up provides strategies of how to change the dysfunction to function. 

Every employee has a choice. It takes each and every member participating and working together. If the place of work is to be something special and rewarding, then all must contribute from the top down.


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Individual Learning

1 year of access

If you would like to learn on your own about how to address the dysfunctions of a team, this is a great self-directed learning opportunity. You will have full access to the course for 1 year. You will be provided feedback on your assignments. Great for anyone who may be in a leadership role that wants to enhance the groups performance.

Course and Coaching

1 year of access

If you would like support while learning, this is our most popular option. You will have access to the course and once completed book your time to meet with an IGM facilitator to review and discuss what you have learned and how you will implement it. You can book your 1-1 in our menu, choose the contact us page and then choose the Success Strategies option for your coaching session. We look forward to working with you to help you achieve the results you desire.

Functioning in the Dysfunction

Has Assignment
Has Assignment