Defining Your Role for Athletes

Defining Your Role for athletes

All The Info You Need To Know About The Course

Understanding the impact of the roles you play in your life

In this valuable course we will be discussing common issues within the roles we play.

There are many aspects to each of our roles. Some we like, some we do not. It is about learning how to be adaptable in all our roles and to understand that each role we play allows us to develop and strengthen our mental skill set.







Learning Objective

Understanding the issues within all of the roles we play in our lives

The importance of playing each role in our lives to the best of our ability

To create understanding that many of the issues we experience in our lives comes from not fully understanding our roles

To learn how to evaluate oneself and what to do with what you discover.

The Course Lecturers

In this course, Bob will share what he learned as he was asked to play different roles throughout his career.

This caused many internal issues for Bob. He learned over the years to embrace new roles and enhanced his skillset and his worth to any team he was a member of.

Bob wilkie

Founder I Got Mind

Introductory Video to the course

*Video works best in firefox, click here to download.



In the first lesson we visit the EGO and gain an understanding of what it can do to us in the roles we play. It is a powerful thing and if it’s not controlled it can cause major issues for young athletes.


In lesson 2 we help you develop a process of questions to ask yourself when new roles are introduced to you. It will help you see the value of the role, the skills to be developed and how to manage your ego.

A well balanced athlete is going to recognize the opportunity in front of them and learn to accept the roles they are given so they can be a productive and successful member of any team.



Included in membership

per month for 6 total payments

This course is the first of eight courses in the success strategies membership.

Course and Coaching Option


With this option, you will receive the course, Defining Your Role, and the opportunity to receive personal 1-1 coaching with one of our IGM facilitators as you complete the course. This personalized coaching option will help apply the course to your daily life and roles you have.

Defining Your Role

Has Quiz Has Assignment
Has Quiz Has Assignment