Our Programs
We have developed courses to educate and enhance wellness and performance for the athletes, coaches and parents.
Sports can be a great tool for any young aspiring athlete to grow and develop the necessary skills to reach their goals. If the proper amount of time is invested in mental and emotional development, it can be the difference between the continued pursuit of the goal or abandonment of it.
We have dedicated ourselves to assisting any team or individual willing to grow and learn. We know its positive effects on those committed to themselves and their development.

We are proud of our partnership with

Testimonials and Advocates
Calgary Flames
Milan Lucic
Kamloops Blazers
Logan Stankoven
Bakersfield Condors
Dino Kambeitz
Our Sports Program

A sample of our course videos. This is from Building Habits for Success.
IGM Founder's Story
Bob Wilkie grew up in Calgary with the dream of becoming an NHL hockey player. However, he faced great adversity through his journey.
Bullying, extreme power differentials, unrealistic expectations, being traded, the trauma of a team bus accident all contributed to his downward spiral. As a result, Bob suffered from anxiety attacks, depression, and addiction.
Unfortunately, because there was little or no help at that time, he suffered on his own in silence. He was afraid to speak about his struggles for fear of being ostracized. The lack of support services and his fear of reaching out cost him his career as an elite NHL hockey player.
After retirement, Bob created I Got Mind to provide a safe place where athletes, their families and their coaches can become educated on the importance of mental wellness. It has become his passion.
I Got Mind was established 15 years ago to help athletes, their parents and coaches find the solutions they need to increase awareness, eliminate ignorance, build resilience, and increase performance.
Bob is proud to say that thousands of athletes and their families have been helped as a result of the I Got Mind programs.
The company has won awards and has travelled the country with one purpose, to enhance the mental wellness of all participates through education and awareness.