
The imagination is a very powerful tool, an ability that we all possess. However, it is something that most of us don’t understand how to control.

“Imagination is a manifestation of our memory and enables us to scrutinize our past and construct hypothetical future scenarios that do not yet but could exist.” – Dr. Murray Hunter, University of Malaysia Perlis

When we think about things, our minds can become overactive. We think about the unknown, our past pain and then we sometimes create all sorts of troubling outcomes.

One of Bob’s teachers Dr. Wayne Dyer stated, “There is no such thing on this planet that is stress, there is only stressful thinking.” A powerful and true statement.

It is we who create our stress and then we blame it on others, but often it is just our imagination at work. Creating in our lives what we are imagining.

In this lesson you will see how quickly you can make something become crystal clear that was once unclear or confusing.  When we use this powerful mental muscle of ours properly, it is amazing what starts to transpire.

Learning Objectives :

  •  To create awareness of the power of our imagination
  • To educate about how our imagination works
  • To create action steps and ideas to activate your power to get closer to the success you desire

Albert Einstein

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Course Access

1 year of access

This course can help you tap into a power that we have used in our lives but often did not realize it. The life we are living can always be improved if we use our imagination correctly. If you are looking to make a change, if you want better results in your life, then join us in exploring how you can begin to create the life you want to live.

Course and Coaching

1 year of access

This offer is the best investment. Not only do you gain access to the valuable information, you will also have the support of an IGM certified coach to help you. Making a change in our lives is challenging. If we knew “how to” make the change we would have made it already. With the help of a coach, you can get the support needed to make the change and improve the results. We all need support when we are learning new ways to live our best life.

One of Your Mental Muscles

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How to Build Your Mental Muscle

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