Every stress leaves an indelible scar,

and the organism pays for its survival after a stressful situation by becoming a little older.

Hans Selye


I would like to welcome you to the Understanding Stress Course. There is a great deal of helpful information here in this course.

All of it is designed to provide insights, education, and action steps to help you achieve balance and to reduce unhealthy or toxic stress.

It will require your full attention. The videos are short. After each of the videos there is a short quiz to help ensure you are absorbing the content.

I would like to ask that you begin the with the PSS Test. Simple click the button below and you will be redirected to the self-assessment of how much stress you are experiencing and where you are experiencing it.

When you have complete the assessment, you will be given a score and it will provide some recommendations. In this course we will provide insights and action steps to help you manage stress in the areas of your life that you have identified.

Lesson 1

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Lesson 2 Managing Your Stress

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